I just decided to start everything over with the latest version of nutch
from the trunk. So far I am able to crawl and index ok, but I am having
trouble getting results back from a search.

I get the typical "0" results found when the searchers/indexes cannot be
found, but I don't know where to look for traces of why this is happening.
I verified the path I start the searchers with is pointing to the local
directory that contains the index and segments subdirs.
The searchers on the datanodes appear to be running fine.
All of the searchers are running on the correct port.
the config files from the search config are copied to
search-servers.txt looks to be correct.
I'm not showing any errors or exception in any of the logs.
the tomcat log just shows I searched and got zero results.

Any ideas where to look to find what's wrong?
Is there a command I can issue if I connect to one of the searchers via
Does searching produce a log that has info somewhere if it cannot connect to
any of the searcher nodes?


int GetRandomNumber()
   return 4; // Chosen by fair roll of dice
                // Guaranteed to be random
} // xkcd.com

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