Reviewer: Scott Bradner
Review result: Has Nits

This is an OPD-DIR review of Split Network Virtualization Edge (Split-NVE)
Control Plane Requirements (draft-ietf-nvo3-hpvr2nve-cp-req-15) This ID
describes the requirements that should be met by the technology defined in one
or more technical specifications to implement, in this case, control plane
protocols for use in a split network virtualization system, and thus, by
definition, can not have any direct impacts on the operation of networks. 
Technology specification(s) that meet these requirements might have such
impacts. That said, some notes ---- section 1 .1 says The key words "MUST",
"RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119] and RFC 8174 [RFC8174].

but RFC 8174 says the text should read as follows if the authors are following
the guidance in RFC 8147

document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when,
and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

if the authors are not following that guidance  I would think that the original
RFC 2119 wording should be used

the 3rd pp of section 2.2 says "
The migrating VM should not be in Running state at the same time on the source
hypervisor and destination hypervisor during migration

the pp goes on to say that it could happen

I may be missing something but this puzzles me a bit - I would think that the
state of the results of the operation of the VM (e.g. database updates) would
be indeterminable if both VMs are running at the same time without some sort of
lockout -maybe this should be MUST NOT?

the 4th pp in section 3.1 states that "the external NVE MUST be notified ...
when it no longer requires connection" - what happens if the software on the
device needing the connection hangs - how is the notification done?

section 3 of the ID contains some things that appear to be requirements (i.e.,
include MUST etc) and some things that appear to be descriptive - without
calling out the actual requirements as is done in section 4 it will be hard for
the technology specification developers to know what requirements they need to
meet -if section 4 is a comprehensive list of requirements then it would seem
to be a good idea to avoid 2119 type capitalization in section 3 - if not I
would expect missed requiements

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