I highly recommend installing direnv (https://direnv.net/, available in 
homebrew) instead of using the dotenv gem and .env files. I've seen the sort of 
confusion you have had /repeatedly/ over the years with dotenv as it doesn't 
actually provide an environment at all, it's mis-named. direnv actually 
provides a first-class environment to your application so any command you run 
is in that env from program start:

will@lentil ~/www/oas/master (on 1e5da09)% cat .envrc 
export REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379
export RUBYOPT=-w
# Temporary for segfault https://github.com/ged/ruby-pg/issues/538
export PGGSSENCMODE="disable"
will@lentil ~/www/oas/master (on 1e5da09)% env | grep RUBYOPT

> On 25 Jan 2024, at 17:36, 'Rob Whittaker' via North West Ruby User Group 
> (NWRUG) <nwrug-members@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Thank you both for your comments.
> Much of what Lee said went over my head and made me realise how little I know 
> about Puma. I have always accepted that it's the tool to use since it gained 
> popularity. Some stuff went in, but now I want to learn more.
> After Tekin's comments about rails s, I did some more investigating and was 
> wrong. Running rails s produces no warnings. Running bundle exec puma as per 
> the Procfile gives warnings, though.
> Puma loads the config/puma.rb file by default. I combed through that file and 
> commented out lines until the warnings disappeared. The offending line has 
> something to do with workers. If I set the value to zero, then the warnings 
> disappear.
> I set the number of workers from environment variables. When we have no value 
> set, it defaults to two workers. I have this value set to zero in my .env 
> file. I thought it might be that I was using 0, and the environment saw this 
> as no value set. I tried setting it to "0", but still no dice. It was time 
> for a trusty raise. No matter what value I put in .env, there was nothing in 
> my error. Weird.
> Then, I found this question on Stack Overflow. It makes sense that we load 
> dotenv after Puma. The gem is part of the Rails stack, after all. What could 
> I do?
> My next step was to create a separate Procfile.dev with the following line 
> and a bin/dev wrapper.
> web: WEB_CONCURRENCY=0 bundle exec puma -p $PORT -C ./config/puma.rb
> This approach seems like it could be better. I'll have to duplicate the 
> commands between my two files and now use bin/dev to start my server. With 
> the extra information I've provided, can anybody give a better solution?

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