
We have a large collection of log, growing continously on 3 servers

First I tried to config a simple 3 -> 1 configuration, it did not
work. Then I tried to use 1 -> 1 at server level, but it did not work

So I went to 1 -> 1 at directory level, I have 1 input module for each
directory which I would like to monitor log files  and 1 output module
for such directory. A connection dedicated for each directory.

But still, there are some times that nxlog not forward logs, and I
have to restart  the client.

The unique error which appear on nxlog.log is:
ERROR binary logdata (120793 bytes) does not fit in output buffer
(size: 65000 bytes), dropping

There are some huge lines on such logs, but I cannot do anything with that.

Is there any site where I could open a bug for adding metadata about
which is the content which is dropped ? (may be you can say the file
name of the file, and the offset)?

I have no way about how could I fix or debug this problem [ the
problem that nxlog stop forwarding some files (other files are being
forwarding ok) ]

The client config read like next:

User nxlog
Group nxlog
LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO
<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog
<Extension charconv>
Module xm_charconv
<Input in_0>
  Module im_file
  Recursive FALSE
  File "/var/log/*log"
  Exec $HostName = hostname ();
  Exec $FileName = replace(file_name (),"/var/log/","");
<Input in_1>
  Module  im_file
  Recursive TRUE
  File  "/var/log/01-01/*log"
  Exec $HostName = hostname ();
  Exec $FileName = replace(file_name (),"/var/log/","");
# .... idem for in_2 .. in_10 ...
<Input in_11>
  Module  im_file
  Recursive TRUE
  File  "/var/log/01-11/*log"
  Exec $HostName = hostname ();
  Exec $FileName = replace(file_name (),"/var/log/","");
<Input in_12>
  Module  im_file
  Recursive TRUE
  File  "/var/log/otherdirectory/*log"
  Exec $HostName = hostname ();
  Exec $FileName = replace(file_name (),"/var/log/","");
<Output out_0>
  Module  om_tcp
  Port  5514
  OutputType Binary
<Output out_1>
  Module  om_tcp
  Port  5515
  OutputType Binary
# idem for out_2 .. out_10
<Output out_11>
  Module  om_tcp
  Port  5525
  OutputType Binary
<Output out_12>
  Module  om_tcp
  Port  5526
  OutputType Binary
<Route 0>
  Path in_0 => out_0
<Route 1>
  Path  in_1 => out_1
# idem for route 2 .. route 10
<Route 11>
  Path  in_11 => out_11
<Route 12>
  Path  in_12 => out_12

At server I have an input module for each output modules of clients

<Input in_0>
    Module  im_tcp
    Port 5514
    InputType Binary
<Output out_0>
    Module  om_file
    CreateDir   TRUE
    File  "/var/log/hermes/server1/"+$FileName
<Route 0>
    Path  in_0 => out_0

Thank you very much

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