I'm moving a little further uptown and taking http://sidewayzen.com with
me.   The new place has a couple coffeeshops on either corner.  I want
to approach the owners about offering free wireless themselves, but it
occurred to me--what if I did get both to throw up an access point?
Probably some overlapping signal.  Why not design a network that can
scale with the block?

Is there a sensible roadmap for building a base network that new access
points can join?

In particular:
1. Do you recommend D-Links 900-APs and then configure them as
repeaters?  In this case Soekris any better?
2. Does it help for each coffeeshop to have broadband accounts at the
same ISP (any coordination to be had there?) 
3. Would each coffee shop having its own connection to an ISP work or

What's the architecture?   Any pointers?



P.S. Granted, there's the whole issue of getting a shop to put up their
own AP, let alone join a network of APs.  Byut it seems like overlap is
becoming the norm on some corners of Manhattan, so the idea could use
some discussion.

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