>From Sascha Meinrath at the CUWiN project.  Please
join NYCwireless in supporting mesh networking and
community wireless by taking five minutes to write to
the FCC.  See details below.


Hi Everyone,

I've posted information on this (and 4 easy steps for
what each of us 
do) at:  www.saschameinrath.com

It will (literally) take you 5 minutes to help change
telecommunications policy.  We have 48 hours to get as
many people to 
respond as possible.  Help spread the word.


P.S.  Here's the skinny (alas in html) for those who
like their info in 
one place:

Last week I got the word from DC that FCC is about to
rule on the prime 
spectrum located between the frequencies of 3650 and
3700MHz.  In a 
nutshell, the ruling may decide to open this frequency
up for 
use, <i>or</i> the FCC may decide to allow high-power,
a type of 
usage of these frequencies.

We've got until March 2, 2005 to send our comments to
the FCC.  
Luckily, I 
have the e-mail addresses of the counsels to the FCC
commissioners who 
will be deciding this issue and who need to hear the
perspectives on things.  This is a chance for you to
impact national telecommunications policy --
supporting mesh networking 
and community wireless development -- all in one fell
swoop.  And it'll 
take you less than five minutes; <b>here's all you
need to do in 4 easy 

1.  Draft up an e-mail to the following five folks:
  <li>Paul Margie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <li>Barry Ohlson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <li>Sheryl Wilkerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <li>Jennifer Manner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <li>Sam Feder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  <li>Harold Feld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2. Ask the FCC (and these folks in particular) to:
    A. Support and facilitate mesh networking;
    B. Not obstruct or jeapardize, in any way, the
primary function in 
this band 
of low-power transmissions at the community level;
    C. Not establish a first-in-time, first-in-right
site licensing 
regime for 
high-power in a so-called "unlicensed" frequency
(which would set a 
precedent for the future of unlicensed).

3.  Go to the <a 

target="blank">FCC's Comment Upload Page</a> and file
your comment (the 
proceeding number is 04-151).

4.  Pass along this information -- we've got 48 hours
to rally the 

<b>Want to read more background?</b> No problem --
just point your 
to: http://www.wetmachine.com/index.php/item/227 for
more information 
the proceeding and why is so vitally important for
those of us who 
wireless networking.

Sascha Meinrath
President                 *   Project Coordinator   * 
 Policy Analyst
Acorn Worker Collective  ***  CU Wireless Network  ***
 Free Press
www.acorncollective.com   *   www.cuwireless.net    * 
NYCwireless - http://www.nycwireless.net/
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