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Stop using Broadband

No, I don't mean that you should cancel your high-speed internet connection. What I mean is: Stop using the term "broadband".

I think that we need to change how we argue our points against the teleco and cable monopolies. You see, "Broadband" isn't the internet. Its just a way to get access to the internet. Most other countries understand this, but in the USA, we're so blinded by the marketing and PR of our Telco and Cable companies, that instead of pushing for high-speed access to the internet, something that should be available to everyone (you should especially know this if you read this blog!), we're talking about "Universal Broadband".

"Universal Broadband" has a great ring to it. But its wrong. Broadband is a marketing term that has been co-opted by Telco and Cable companies to mean whatever "high-speed" network *they* provide. And this is where things get confused. We're starting to see legislation that promotes "Universal Broadband", which is good in theory. But when we phrase it like that, we're implicitly promoting certain ways to get high-speed internet access. In effect, we're using legislation and our own PR efforts to market for the type of crappy, slow, restricted internet access that our Telco and Cable companies offer.

*Instead, we should be pushing for and talking about "High-speed Internet", high-speed connections to that cloud of services and content that we're all providing for each other, in whatever form makes sense to you, the end user.* In many cases, it will be broadband dsl and broadband cablemodem service. But it might also me your local municipal or private Wi-Fi network, or satellite-based service. Or something we haven't thought of yet.

Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

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