A Clay-colored Sparrow was again present at the West End 2 parking lot's 
central exit, on the "island" I have described in recent emails. Few other 
birds were present there except a White-crowned Sparrow and singles of 
Black-throated Blue and Blackpoll Warbler.
The Clay-colored was the only Spizella in its area, although dozens of Chipping 
Sparrows were present at the Coast Guard Station. Highlights there included a 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker flyby, a  Red-eyed Vireo, a Lincoln's Sparrow, and 
an Indigo Bunting.
In nonpasserine news, a massive flock of cormorants (over 600 Double-crested) 
and gulls was following some school of fish in the inlet, as visible from the 
Boat Basin, and an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull was loafing in the West End 2 
parking lot.

Have a nice weekend everyone,
Brendan Fogarty
Hempstead, NY

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