Monday, 26 October, 2009 - Rockaway peninsula
including Fort Tilden & J. Riis Park, Queens;
& Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, in N.Y. City

Highlights at Riis Park (visited first in a.m.) included 2 Nelson's Sparrows 
(subviragatus) and a generally good flight of more-often seen late October 
migrants and arrivals. Various sparrows and kinglets appeared to rule the 
land-bird flight; also seen in impressive number were Hermit Thrush.  

The light wind freshened from the east after noon, with a modest southward 
movement of N. Gannet and Scoter seeming to begin about then off Riis/Tilden - 
but a dedicated seawatch was not conducted despite the potential.

Some 60+ high-flying swallows working south over F.B. Field in Brooklyn later 
all appeared to be Tree Swallow.  A bit of a.m. raptor flight starting along 
the outer beach seemed to slow as wind shifted.

A full list of species seen at these sites is below. 

Common Loon (several)
Atlantic N. Gannet (several, & more moving/p.m.)
Double-crested Cormorant (100+ fly-bys)
Great Blue Heron (fly-by)
Canada Goose  
Atlantic Brant (2,000+ and many fly-over flocks) 
American Black Duck 
Green-winged Teal (F.B. Field, small r-a-g pond)
Greater Scaup (a few small flyover flocks)
Surf Scoter (multiple fly-bys, & 1 on sea)
Dark-winged Scoter species (multiple fly-bys)
Long-tailed Duck (2, on the sea)
Red-breasted Merganser (multiple, distant)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (multiple fly-bys, a.m.)
Cooper's Hawk 
Peregrine Falcon (juv., hunting F.B. Field)
Sanderling (very common along outer beach)
Laughing Gull (few on water + 15 roosting)
Bonaparte's Gull (2 fairly distant at sea)
Ring-billed Gull (many)
Herring Gull (common)
Great Black-backed Gull (many)
Rock Pigeon 
Mourning Dove 
Downy Woodpecker
Northern [Yellow-shafted] Flicker (40+)
Eastern Phoebe (38, actual 'shore' count) 
Blue Jay (in modest numbers)
American Crow (few)
Horned Lark (4 fly-bys from Tilden)
Tree Swallow (70+++)
Black-capped Chickadee (2, Tilden)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (1)
Carolina Wren (several)
House Wren (1 seen well, Riis Park)
Winter Wren (1 heard calling, Tilden)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (80+++, by shore especially)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (fairly common, as with above)
Hermit Thrush (40+, shore areas alone)
American Robin (200+, all areas)
Gray Catbird (several)
Northern Mockingbird 
Brown Thrasher (1, Tilden)
European Starling 
Cedar Waxwing (60+, a.m. fly-bys)
Myrtle/Yellow-rumped Warbler (nearly abundant)
Palm Warbler (just 3)
Eastern Towhee (8+)
Chipping Sparrow (40+)
Field Sparrow (15+)
Savannah Sparrow (25+)
Nelson's  Sparrow (2, 'subvirgatus',Riis [Neponsit])
Song Sparrow (common/abundant)
Lincoln's Sparrow (1 seen well, F.B. Field)
Swamp Sparrow (150+ thru all sites today)
White-throated Sparrow (300+, all sites)
White-crowned Sparrow (scarce - 2 imm.)
Dark-eyed [Slate-colored] Junco (200+, all sites) 
Northern Cardinal 
Red-winged Blackbird (few fly-bys)
Eastern Meadowlark (1, nice views, Riis ballfield)
Common Grackle (40+ fly-bys, Tilden)
Brown-headed Cowbird (several shore sites) 
Purple Finch (2 fly-overs, heard calling)
House Finch (few noted)
American Goldfinch (20+ fly-bys, & fewer feeding)
House Sparrow 

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,


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