This morning saw a "Richardson's" Cackling Goose on the basin in Flushing
Meadows-Corona Park, just south of Citifield.  By plumage and feather wear,
I'm sure this is the same bird that I first saw there on November 11.  To
reach the spot, exit the L.I. Expwy. at Van Wyck Expwy/College Point Blvd.
Proceed north on College Point Blvd. one short block.  Turn left at the
traffic light at the "Rodman Gate" entrance to the park (there is an orange
sign). Proceed a short distance under the Van Wyck Expwy., and turn right on
the park road.  The basin is a short distance on the left.  You can park
under the highway.  The bird was also seen by Corey Finger on November 14 on
the north side of Meadow Lake.


I also saw the red-necked grebe at Jamaica Bay with Dave Klauber.  It was in
the same area as the bird seen by Andrew Baksh on November 22, and it's
likely the same bird.  I didn't notice any intervening reports in the bird
log though.


Waterfowl numbers and diversity around the West Pond were quite low.  Only
15 species.


Seth Ausubel

Forest Hills, NY


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