this morning at 945 i had an adult golden eagled perched(!) on rt 6 in  
harriman state park just west of the traffic circle as you go towards central  
valley. i was going east when i saw several crows mobbing the bird, and i 
was  able to pull over and photograph the bird for a couple of minutes. sadly 
it flew  off going away from me so i didn't get a good flight shot, but i 
did not see any  white in the tail leading me to believe that this was a 
mature golden, possibly  one of the birds seen this winter in the storm king mt 
area? its golden nape was  glowing in the morning sun.
i put 4 shots up on my website _www.stevesachsphotography.com_ 
(   under "NEW WINTER 2009-10"
while i'm here, i'll mention my photo exhibit that is up at the Teatown  
nature center in Ossining -"Wintering birds of prey of the northeast". the  
photos will be up for the month of February and i will be having a reception  
there on sun feb. 28 from 3-5 so come by and check it out and say hello
steve sachs
white plains


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