Today, between a late start (9:00 AM) and an early fiinish (3:00 PM), Dick 
Berlanger and I had a few nice birds, with the highlight involving a Great Blue 
Heron and a "Great Green Eel"! 

We weren't in the car 5 minutes before having a Turkey Vulture in Riverhead. In 
another 5 min., we were at Mary Laura & Eric Lamont's "fabulous feeders", where 
we saw 3 Hairy Woodpeckers, White-crowned & Fox Sparrows, and 3 Snow Geese, in 
a fly-over flock of Canadas.

At the tip of Orient at "Plum Gut", we had 20 C.Eiders, and afterward, another 
24 right at the ferry slip. The state park was very quiet, but the east end of 
Narrow River Rd. made up for it! Because of his 4wheel drive Jeep, Dick 
deceided to see how far out he could get on a dirt embankment. Upon reaching 
that point, Dick noticed a G B H out in the marsh (in a spot we probably would 
not have seen from the road) shaking a fairly large object, it held in its 
mandibles. By use of our scopes, we realized it's prey was a plump eel, about 2 
1/2' long, which finally went limp after a few minutes of this treatment. Once 
the fish was still, the bird tried unsuccessfully to swallow it. Possibly due 
to the confines of it's location, the heron then walked about 50' into a 
clearing, while carrying the eel, which looked to be as long as the body of the 
bird, with a little bit of the neck thrown in, as well. What looked to be near 
impossible (with the bird standing erect, the fish touched the ground) the 
"Great Blue" finally downed the "Great Green"... giving us a great thrill! 
Cheers, Bob   

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