Central Park, Manhattan N.Y. City

Migration notes, some warblers continued to be seen in Central Park,  
Manhattan Friday, 30 July 2010, including American Redstart[s] (at the  
edge of the Ramble, fide Jack Meyer) and at the Loch, and Northern  
Waterthrush at the small stream near W. 77 Street (observed with  
another birder) & also at the Loch, and a "first-of-fall" (to me, in  
Central) Blue-winged Warbler at the wildflower meadow, as well as a  
number of Yellow Warblers seen in up to 5 separate locations in  
Central, from the Pond near the park's south end thru the Ramble area  
& to the north end at the Pool & Meer.  The other migrants & summer  
breeders & visitors include a slightly increased number of Chimney  
Swifts in the north (compared with a week ago) & a Ruby-throated  
Hummingbird in the Conservatory Garden by East 104 Street in Central,  
& also a few Spotted Sandpipers flitting
around at the CP reservoir.

Saturday, 31 July, a look around the north end provided an early  
Tennessee Warbler, seen well at about 6:15 a.m. from the Great Hill,   
& other warblers encountered in the park before noon included: Yellow  
(a few esp. in the Ramble & Lake areas), Black-and-white (at the Loch,  
and at the woods just north of Tanner's Spring (s. edge of Summit  
Rock), American Redstart (6+ including 3 seen simultaneously at the  
Great Hill), and Northern Waterthrush (4, including 2 seen together at  
the SW cove of the Lake, & also at the Loch, and by the outlet of a  
stream at Balcony Bridge - Lake side).  Incidentally, the Tennessee  
Warbler I observed closely appeared to be an adult with worn flight  
feathers.  While on the early side & my own earliest sighting of this  
species in fall migration in NY, it falls well within known date  
ranges of the species fall migration, in general.

A birding couple I met in the Ramble late Saturday morning asked where  
they might pick up a copy of the Checklist of Birds of Central Park -  
this seems not to be available in hard copy anymore from the visitor  
centers in the park, but it is available as a PDF file, on-line: 
   (The Checklist was prepared & edited by Rebekah Creshkoff and Marie  
Winn, with some assistance from a number of the regular birders of the  
park over many years.)
-  -  -
For those who may not follow the Brooklyn bird reports, Alex Wilson  
reports a Blue-winged and Yellow Warbler[s] along with Northern  
Waterthrush from Prospect Park, with further additions to the Yellow  
warblers there, and nice sightings of Forster;s Terns at Prospect  
Lake, these via Peter Dorosh's "Prospect Park & Regional Bird  
Sightings" blog updated regularly, especially for Prospect & various  
rarities, in addition to the migrations. Prior sightings from A.W.  
were on Wednesday, 7/28.  And on Monday, 7/26, a duo of waterthrush  
species (Louisiana as well as Northern) were found in Prospect as  
reported by Rob Bate. Lots of Yellow Warblers seen at Prospect Park as  
well.  The migrants are moving, and not all are shorebirds...  nor  
even straying ducks :-)

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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