This is a summary of the Hudson-Mohawk Birdline reports for the week ending August 11, 2010. Report your sightings in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region to

Seventy species were reported this week. It was a good week for waders (5 species) and shorebirds (8 species). The most-reported species were Great Blue Heron (15 reports), Great Egret (13, including two reports of 17 and 20+ near Crescent on 8/9), Least Sandpiper (9) and Lesser Yellowlegs (8).

Best birds of the week:
BLACK CROWNED NIGHT-HERON: Coeymans Landing 8/6.
LITTLE BLUE HERON (immature): Cohoes Flats 8/8.
MISSISSIPPI KITE: Root 8/11 (2).
BONAPARTE'S GULL: Coeymans Landing 8/10; 4-mile Point 8/11.
CLIFF SWALLOW: Cohoes Flats 8/9.
VESPER SPARROW: Schenectady County Airport 8/8.

Other notables:
Blue-winged Teal: Coxsackie Grasslands 8/9 (4), 8/10 (4),
Green Heron: Vischer Ferry 8/8; Ferry Drive 8/8 (4), 8/11 (6-7); Cohoes Flats 8/9.
Osprey: Cohoes Flats 8/9.
Bald Eagle: 4-mile Point/ Vosburgh Marsh 8/6 (2); Cohoes Flats 8/8; New Baltimore 8/10 (2).
Cooper's Hawk: Cohoes Flats 8/8.
Semipalmated Plover: Vischer Ferry 8/8; Stanton Pond 8/11.
Semipalmated Sandpiper: Vischer Ferry 8/6 (8), 8/7 (6), 8/8; Cohoes Flats 8/9.
Western Sandpiper: Vischer Ferry 8/6 (2).
American Woodcock: Vischer Ferry 8/8.
Eastern Screech-Owl: 4-mile Point/ Vosburgh Marsh 8/6 .
Common Nighthawk: Albany 8/11.
Horned Lark: Schenectady County Airport 8/8 (8).
Bank Swallow: Vischer Ferry 8/6 (2), 8/9; Meadowdale 8/8; Cohoes Flats 8/9; Coxsackie Grasslands 8/10 (2). Carolina Wren: 4-mile Point/ Vosburgh Marsh 8/6 (3); Meadowdale 8/8; Cohoes Flats 8/8.
Black-and-White Warbler: 4-mile Point/ Vosburgh Marsh 8/6 (2).
Northern Waterthrush: Vischer Ferry 8/7.
Louisiana Waterthrush: New Salem 8/5.
Swamp Sparrow: Vischer Ferry 8/6.
Eastern Meadowlark: Coxsackie 8/11.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler); Steve Abrahamsen (Vischer Ferry 8/7; Saratoga County Airport 8/8; Stanton Pond, Coxsackie 8/11, 4-mile Point 8/11), Larry Alden (Meadowdale), Dave Baim (New Salem), Rich Guthrie (Coeymans Landing, 4-mile Point 8/6, Cohoes Flats 8/9, Coxsackie Grasslands, New Baltimore), Ken Harper (Ferry Drive 8/11), Ron Harrower (Crescent, Vischer Ferry 8/6), John Hershey (Cohoes Flats 8/8, Vischer Ferry 8/8), Andy Mason (Root), Bob Ramonowski (Schenectady), Will Raup (Cohoes Flats 8/8, 8/9, Vischer Ferry 8/9, Ferry Drive 8/8, 8/9, Albany), and Sue Stewart (Burnt Hills).


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