This is a summary of the Hudson-Mohawk Birdline reports for the week ending August 25, 2010. Report your sightings in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region to

Seventy-seven species were reported this week, including 12 shorebird species, 9 warbler species and large flocks of nighthawks. Most-reported species were Least Sandpiper (14 reports), Semipalmated Sandpiper (8), Lesser Yellowlegs (8) and Solitary Sandpiper (8).

Best of the week:
LITTLE BLUE HERON: Myosotis Lake 8/19.
MISSISSIPPI KITE: Root 8/20 (4 including 1 fledgling), 8/21.
BAIRD'S SANDPIPER: Myosotis Lake 8/19-8/22; Crescent 8/20, 8/21; Cohoes Flats 8/21.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER: Vischer Ferry 8/19 (2).
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER: Crescent 8/19-8/21.
TENNESSEE WARBLER: Partridge Run 8/20.
BAY-BREASTED WARBLER: Partridge Run 8/20.
WILSON'S WARBLER: Partridge Run 8/20; Brunswick 8/21.
CANADA WARBLER: Brunswick 8/21.

Other notables:
Gadwall: Cohoes Flats 8/19.
Great Egret: Vischer Ferry 8/18 (25), 8/20 (39); Crescent 8/21 (2); Brunswick 8/24 (5).
Osprey: Round Lake 8/18, 8/21.
Bald Eagle: Brunswick 8/25.
Sharp-shinned Hawk: Brunswick 8/21, 8/25.
Greater Yellowlegs: Vischer Ferry 8/24.
Wilson's Snipe: Cohoes Flats 8/21.
Common Nighthawk: Altamont 8/20 (35), 8/21 (27-30); Latham 8/20 (13); Watervliet 8/21; Colonie 8/24 (40-50), 8/25 (42); South Glens Fall 8/25 (3)..
Warbling Vireo: Brunswick 8/21.
Bank Swallow: Vischer Ferry 8/19, 8/20.
Carolina Wren: Cohoes Flats 8/21; East Greenbush 8/24.
Golden-crowned Kinglet: Vischer Ferry 8/23.
Magnolia Warbler: Vischer Ferry 8/23.
Black-and-White Warbler: Claverack 8/21.
Eastern Meadowlark: Saratoga Battlefield 8/20 (6).

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Steve Abrahamsen (Crescent 8/20, Vischer Ferry 8/20), Ramona Bearor (South Glens Falls), Susan Beaudoin (Saratoga Battlefield), Hannah Bewsher (Altamont 8/21, Watervliet), Bruce Dudek (Vischer Ferry 8/18), Rich Guthrie (Root 8/20), Ken Harper (Crescent 8/20, Root 8/21), David Harrison (Cohoes Flats 8/21), John Hershey (Crescent 8/20), Will Raup (Cohoes Flats 8/19, Crescent 8/19, 8/21, Vischer Ferry 8/19, 8/21), Scott Stoner (Round Lake), Steven Sulzer (Claverack), Brad Walker (Brunswick, Latham), Tom Williams (Vischer Ferry 8/23, 8/24, Colonie 8/24, 8/25), T. Lloyd Williams (Myosotis Lake, Partridge Run) and Alan ____ (Altamont 8/20).


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