The Southern Nassau County Christmas Bird Count was conducted on Saturday, 1 
January 2011, by 61 participants. This represents the 71st time this CBC has 
been held since its inception in 1932 (there were several years with no count 
during the 1930s and 1940s).

A total of 125 species was recorded (plus Ipswich Sparrow), a little below the 
20-year average of 128. The weather was good on count day, but prolonged 
freezing conditions during December clearly impacted a variety of species. In 
general, this year's results struck us as rather average, with few really 
exceptional species and few really bad misses (our worst misses this year 
involved species we've knowingly struggled with in recent years).

In selecting the unusual species named below, we included a few that, although 
they are quite regular on this count, are nevertheless rare in NYS in winter. 
Some species that we would ordinarily expect on this count, but which were 
perceived as good finds this year owing to the cold early winter weather, are 
highlighted as "ice-sensitive saves." Several species are widely expected on LI 
or NYS CBCs in general but are nevertheless very difficult in southern Nassau 
County. These are difficult to categorize as either highlights or low-lights, 
but for convenience we've lumped a few of these local oddities in with the low 
counts and misses.

Many thanks to all those who participated, and Happy New Year to all!

Unusual Species:
Greater White-fronted Goose--Mitchell, 4th time recorded in last 20 years
Whistling Swan--2 in Five Towns, 3rd time recorded in last 20 years
Wood Duck--4 in Hempstead and 1 in Massapequa
Eurasian Wigeon--count-week in Massapequa
Harlequin Duck--6 at Atlantic
Red-shouldered Hawk--1 at Tobay, 6th time recorded in last 20 years; 
particularly unusual on barrier beach
American Oystercatcher--29, Short Beach and Massapequa
Red Knot--8 at Short Beach, missed last 3 years
Razorbill--3 at Atlantic and Short Beach
Dovekie--count-week at Short Beach
Monk Parakeet--8 in Baldwin, at three sites, just the 2nd time ever recorded
Barn Owl--5 from Tobay and Boat
Great Horned Owl--1 in Five Towns, just the 3rd time recorded in 20 years
Short-eared Owl--1 at Short Beach
Tree Swallow--singles at Short Beach and Baldwin
Orange-crowned Warbler--3, 2 at Short Beach and 1 at Massapequa
Yellow-breasted Chat--1 at Massapequa
Lapland Longspur--1 at Short Beach
Dickcissel--count-week in Baldwin
Rusty Blackbird--2 at Hempstead
Boat-tailed Grackle--17 from Loop Parkway, Short Beach, Massapequa, and Boat; 6 
of 8 records ever are since 2003-04
Common Redpoll--12, from Short Beach Tobay, and Baldwin; just 5th time recorded 
in 20 years
Pine Siskin--4, from Tobay and Baldwin; just 2nd time recorded in 20 years

Ice-sensitive Saves:
Great Egret--1 in Five Towns
Killdeer--singles Five Towns and Hempstead
Greater Yellowlegs--1 at Tobay
Wilson's Snipe--1 at Short Beach
American Woodcock--singles at Short Beach and Tobay
Ruby-crowned Kinglet--1 at Five Towns (widely missed on coastal CBCs this year)

High Counts:
Ring-necked Duck--50, surpassing the previous max, from just last year, of 47
Common Eider--209, 2nd only to last year's 254
White-winged Scoter--53, far surpassing 20-year max of 30.
Double-crested Cormorant--154, 2nd only to last year's 178
Northern Harrier--58, surpassing previous max of 50
Sharp-shinned Hawk--34, surpassing previous max of 25
Cooper's Hawk--24, surpassing previous max of 17 (4th new max in 10 years)
Peregrine Falcon--23, equalling previous max, from just last year (4th time max 
equalled or exceeded in 10 years)
Ruddy Turnstone--55, 2nd highest ever
Red-bellied Woodpecker--39, 2nd highest ever
Northern Cardinal--317, far exceeding previous max of 241, from 2005-06

Low Counts, Bad Misses, and Southern Nassau County CBC Oddities:
Canvasback----just 5, at Massapequa and Baldwin
Redhead--9 at Massapequa were a save
Common Goldeneye--missed for 4th time in 20 years
Ring-necked Pheasant--missed for 1st time in 20 years
Northern Gannet--missed for 2nd time in 20 years
Bonaparte's Gull--31, lowest since 1996-97; 40-year average = 1461
Marsh Wren--missed for 6th time in 20 years
Brown Thrasher--1 at Five Towns was a save
Cedar Waxwing--10 at Baldwin were a save
Eastern Towhee--singles at Tobay and Hempstead; just 1 last year
Field Sparrow--1 at Atlantic; just 1 last year too
Savannah Sparrow--7, 3rd lowest in 50 years
Saltmarsh/Nelson's/Seaside Sparrows--just 2nd time in 10 years all three missed
White-crowned Sparrow--missed for 7th time in 20 years
Eastern Meadowlark--missed for 6th time in 10 years

Shai Mitra & Patricia Lindsay
Bay Shore


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