Corey Finger and I visited the site of the COMMON RAVEN nest in Kew Gardens,
Queens County today.  Sure enough the ravens are back and building a new
nest on the water tower.  We observed two ravens bringing nest material.
There is a second new nest on the tower too, in an earlier state of
construction. This is most likely a false start. There is no trace of last
year’s nest.


At Jones Beach West End we had two fly-over COMMON REDPOLLS at the Coast
Guard Station.  Then, with Doug Futuyma, we tracked down a flock of 19
Common Redpolls in the dunes just west of the boardwalk at the Theodore
Roosevelt Nature Center.  We had another 9 Common Redpolls at Point Lookout.
Another group of birders reported a flock of 50 briefly alighting at the
Coast Guard Station. Snow buntings were prominent at the beach today.  Some
of the males are near full breeding plumage, especially several in a flock
at Nickerson Beach west of Point Lookout.  There were 8 HARLEQUIN DUCKS at
Point Lookout (4 ad. males, 2 imm. males, 2 fem.).  Another highlight was 92
REDHEAD, on the pond at Willets Creek in Babylon, Suffolk County.  This is
on the north side of Route 27A, about ½ mile west of the Robert Moses


Seth Ausubel

Forest Hills, NY


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