After a day of no birds yesterday, who would believe what would happen today.  
I decided to leave the county for the day (really?) and bird Ulster and Orange 
counties.  The Bashakill has been flooded for days and access has been very 
limited.  I first went to Blue Chip Farms to spruce up my Ulster list.  As soon 
as I pulled up on Bates Lane, Jim Schlickenrieder from New Jersey put me right 
on two UPLAND SANDPIPERS, thanks Jim! On to Six and a Half Station Road.  Many 
good year birds including dozens of Marsh Wrens and a few Virginia Rails.  
While there, Rob Stone called and alerted me to a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER  on 
Skinner Lane in Pine Island.  When I arrived, it turned out there were four of 
them.  This is a rare spring migrant in our area.  While checking out the 
Horned Larks and Northern Harriers, Joe DiCostanzo called and alerted me to a 
LEAST BITTERN on Haven Road at the Bashakill, thanks Joe!  The water had 
receded.  When I arrived, I first saw a COMMON TERN  which apparently had been 
on the kill all day.  Next I found the Bittern and Arlene Borko arrived to have 
great looks at the bird.  I then got home to find an email informing me that 
Arie Gilbert and the Queens County Bird Club had just seen a MISSISSIPPI KITE 
at the Deli Fields at the Bash.  A prior commitment prevented me from going 
back out, but you can bet I'll be there tomorrow.  GREAT BIRDING!! John Haas


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