The Queens County Bird Club Inc. had it’s annual “DoodleBash” trip and had spectacular results. Breeding Cerulean, Hooded, Wormeating, and Yellow throated Vireo in Doodletown were easily found and in good numbers, as well as the other expected species.

A continuation of birding along Mine Torne Road gave us Prairie Warbler, Cliff Swallows and a silent female Golden-winged Warbler.

The highlights of day two’s trip to the Basherkill included American and Least Bittern Virginia Rail, Moorhen, Olive-sided FC, Canada, Wilson’s, Blackburnian, Louisiana, Broad-winged Hawk, and Bald Eagles. But by far, the most exciting and astonishing sighting was a Mississippi kite! Or should I say ~another~ Mississippi Kite. This is the third time our club trips have gotten this bird here!

The end of the day was spent at Blue Chip Farms and Galeville/Shawangunk, where we located  Upland sp, Bobolink, Meadowlark, Kestrel, Harrier, and notably, missed Savannah sp.

A full trip report will be posted on our website soon

Non members and guests are invited to join us
for our meetings featuring noted guest speakers
and to join us on our renowned field trips. 

QCBC is a tax exempt, charitable organization {501c3}.

Please check our website for more information

Arie Gilbert
President: Queens County Bird Club Inc.
See  for more information on trips, speakers, and other events

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