In my ongoing efforts to obtain as much information on our marsh birds this 
year as possible, I have been kayaking the Bashakill the last couple of weeks 
to add to the information I get for the "Bird Studies Canada Marsh Monitoring 
Program".  This has been very productive.  Today while I was kayaking the 
channel, I was very surprised to have an American Coot swim out into the 
channel in front of me.  It was just a short distance from where 3-4 American 
Coot spent the spring, last seen by me on 5/2 when the emergent vegetation got 
to high to see them any more. They had been present for one month at that time. 
 I took a number of  photos of the bird, as it is only our second June record 
ever.  When the bird went back into the vegetation, I heard a number of clucks 
from either side of its entry point.  I would normally have written them off as 
Moorhens, but now I'm not certain.  Is it possible that American Coot could 
colonize the Bashakill?  Either way, we currently have four species of 
Gruiformes present at the Bashakill.  Today survey (only two miles) produced:

13 Common Moorhen
2 Virginia Rail
1 Least Bittern
1 American Coot   John Haas


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