The 23d consecutive season at the Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch in Oneonta came to a close on Jan. 3 with cold temperatures and a brisk NW wind.  Three birds were tallied; an adult Bald Eagle at 12:52 was the last raptor of the season.

A total of 4609 raptors were counted through the season, 14% below the 11 year average since full time counting began in 2001.  Most species were likewise below average; bright spots included a new seasonal record of 238 Bald Eagles, and a modest increase in Sharp-shinned Hawks.  Red-tailed Hawk numbers were 1/3 below average, which accounts for most of the total dropoff.  Also notable is that for the first season in 23 years, no Rough-legged Hawks were counted.

Golden Eagles rebounded from last season's very low count.  160 Goldens were tallied, 10% down from the average of 179.  The big Golden Eagle day came on Oct. 30, when 31 were spotted.  Dec. 1 brought another good flight of 17.  Interestingly, this season both October and December had more Golden Eagles than November--usually the peak month for the species.

The hawkwatch had 760 hours of coverage, beginning Aug. 21.  Steve Hall once again carried the biggest part of the coverage load.  The balance was spread among Andy Cooper, Larry Dake, Fred Fries, Becky Gretton, Marilyn Leahy, Andrea Lodovice, Randy Lynch, Ralph Niederlander, Andy Mason, Ron Milliken, with help from regular spotters Richard Hendrick, Leslie Preston, Bob Shultis, and numerous others.  Many thanks to all who made this another successful season.

2011 totals are below. Complete Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch statistics are available at .

Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch

Species                  2011 Season Total

Turkey Vulture                       352
Osprey                                   96
Bald Eagle                            238
Northern Harrier                      44
Sharp-shinned Hawk              593
Cooper's Hawk                       87
Northern Goshawk                  17
Red-shouldered Hawk             37
Broad-winged Hawk             1424
Red-tailed Hawk                  1384
Rough-legged Hawk                  0
Golden Eagle                        160
American Kestrel                     88
Merlin                                     27
Peregrine Falcon                     19
Unidentified Raptor                  44
Total:                                  4609

Andrew Mason
1039 Peck St.
Jefferson, NY  12093
(607) 652-2162

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