Today was not suppose to be a birding day, but a day to do all the errands that 
we have been ignoring while we had been birding. It was not to be, while I 
(Ken) was at a doctor's appointment Pat Lindsay gave me a call and said she had 
done a little birding before work and that the beach was alive with birds. So 
much for the chores - we headed for the beach at 10:00AM. Before we arrived at 
a foggy Field 2 we could see the warblers, orioles, and tanagers streaming west 
down the beach. We birded for the next three hours, birding from the main 
entrance to RMSP Field 2 west to the golf course. It is too bad we arrived so 
late in the morning, we are sure the migration would have been even more 
impressive. Some birds occurring in good numbers included Baltimore Oriole 
(52), Orchard Oriole (10), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (15), Indigo Bunting (10), 
Gray Catbird (82), Eastern Towhee (62), Black & White Warbler (17), Magnolia 
Warbler (14), and Yellow Warbler (23). We observed thirteen species of warblers 
including Blackburnian, Canada, and Wilson's. Joan Quinlan had a Hooded Warbler 
at the RMSP golf course maintenance shed. Other species of note were 
White-crowned Sparrow (5), Scarlet Tanager (12), and Ruby-throated Hummingbird 
(1). Photos of the days birds can be seen at:

Good Birding To All,

Ken & Sue Feustel

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