The 63rd annual Mohonk Lake-Ashokan Reservoir (Ulster County) Audubon 
Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was conducted yesterday, Saturday, 15 
December.  A total of 10,461 individuals of 78 species (plus one 
additional count week species) were recorded by ten field parties under 
very pleasant weather and field conditions.

Temperatures were relatively mild for this mid-December census, ranging 
from an overnight low of 24 degrees (F) to an afternoon high of 43 
degrees (F) on the Lomontville Flats in Hurley.  Winds were calm 
throughout the count period.  Night skies were clear but dark due to 
moon phase, followed by mostly sunny skies early morning with an 
increase in clouds mid-day.  No snow cover was recorded within the count 
area.  Major bodies of water and fast moving creeks and streams were 
predominantly open, with smaller ponds and stagnant marshes frozen to 
various degrees, ranging from entirely frozen to partially open, 
providing small pockets or larger areas of open water.

Diversity was very good, falling just one species short of our all-time 
high of 79 species in 2007, exceeding last year's total of 74 species, 
and well above the most recent 10-year average of 67 species.  Total 
number of individuals was well below our maximum of 16,092 recorded in 
2008, but otherwise consistent with recent years and only 325 
individuals short of last year's tally.

Highlights this year were dominated by waterfowl and raptors, including 
the addition of a new species to the 63-year composite.  Two lingering 
Northern Pintail represent a first record and advanced the historical 
total to 144 species.  Four Green-winged Teal were only the second time 
this species has been detected during this count.  Three American Wigeon 
represent our third historical record, one Wood Duck represented a 
fourth record for the count, and one Gadwall and a count week Lesser 
Scaup were both encountered for only the fifth time in the history of 
this CBC.

A lone Long-eared Owl and one Northern Saw-whet Owl were detected for 
only the fourth time, and a Peregrine Falcon was observed for only the 
second historical CBC record.  One Fish Crow was an uncommonly good find 
and only our fourth record, equaling our previous high count of 1 in 
2002.  Two American Pipits were observed for a fifth overall record, and 
one Red-headed Woodpecker was a good winter find.

New high counts were set for several species, including 425 Snow Geese 
(eclipsing 286 in 2008), 5 Red-shouldered Hawks (eclipsing 4 in 2010), 9 
Belted Kingfishers (eclipsing 8 in 2006), 8 Winter Wrens (exceeding last 
year's record 6), 61 Carolina Wrens (eclipsing 53 in 2010), and 180 Song 
Sparrows (eclipsing last year's record 123).  Great Blue Herons equaled 
our previous high count of 11 in 1998, 8 Cooper's Hawks tied last year's 
record high, and 145 Eastern Bluebirds tied our previous high count from 

The much anticipated and publicized winter finch irruption was not 
significantly realized in the count circle results.  No Pine Grosbeaks, 
Purple Finches, Pine Siskins, or Evening Grosbeaks were detected.  A 
small number of Red Crossbills were recorded in two sections (3 and 4 
individuals, representing our fourth historical record), and one field 
party encountered two White-winged Crossbills, representing our fifth 
overall record.  A total of 15 Common Redpolls were scattered throughout 
three sections (in numbers of 3, 5, and 7 individuals).  A surprisingly 
few 15 Red-winged Blackbirds were the only representation of the 
blackbird family, and 19 American Robins seemed a disappointingly low 
number during a regionally mild December.  One unidentified warbler will 
apparently remain a mystery.

Thanks to all of the following participants for their time and effort: 
David Arner, Alan Beebe, Allan Bowdery, Lynn Bowdery, Mira Bowin, Paul 
Comstock, Bea Conover, Matt Corsaro, Eileen Cunningham, Mark DeDea, Lin 
Fagan, Deb Ferguson, Christine Guarino, Annie Mardiney, Jim Marks, Maeve 
Mower, Frank Murphy, Jeff Nerp, David Nyzio, Dan Porter, Jessica 
Prockup, Bob Rifenburg, Evelyn Rifenburg, Bruce Robertson, Corbin 
Robinson, Doug Robinson, Susan Rogers, Tom Sarro, Peter Schoenberger, 
Donna Seymour, Alan Spivack, John Thompson, Glen Van Gorden, and Lisa 

And once again this year, a very special thanks to Mark DeDea and Kyla 
Haber for providing the facilities, hot food, and beverages for our very 
enjoyable post-count compilation at Hasbrouck Park in Kingston.

Steve M. Chorvas

Mohonk Lake/Ashokan Reservoir CBC Compiler

Saugerties, NY



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