A very brief run through the North Woods, the Loch, the western edge of the 
Meer and Duck Island in Central Park matched well with other reports from 
today. So though birds continue to be scarce in numbers and variety; a very few 
managed to slip in anyway.

A Red-eyed Vireo was feeding over the path in the Loch at 8 this morning, which 
was a FOS bird for me and a nice surprise at this point. The White-eyed Vireo, 
which could reliably be heard singing from that location for the past three 
days was no where to be found. Also in the Loch was a singing Blue-winged 
Warbler, one singing Nashville Warbler and one Black-and- white Warbler. 

A question:
Yesterday I birded the Loch with James Knox, which turned up nothing worth 
mentioning that hasn't already. Except that we both clearly heard a sound that 
startled and confounded us both. A fairly loud mono-sybalic scolding type call 
emanating from the canopy. It must have been perched at the very tip as neither 
could find it in the 3min. It remained and called about 4 times. He astutely 
suggested a Purple Martin. I was thinking along similar line though not that 
specific bird. So, not being familiar with Martin calls, we looked it up and it 
was remarkably close, almost exact, though this one was louder and grittier. I 
should say that I'm no ear-birding master, but am very familiar with the sounds 
of the North End of C.P., and this was a mystery. We also checked the Meer and 
scanned the adjacent tree tops for any confirmation with out success. Also, It 
was definitely not either of the two swallow species known to be present that 
So, does anyone know of another species, and not forcibly another swallow, that 
could make such a sound, if not a Purple Martin? 

I ask this out of pure interest and have little hope of ever knowing for sure. 
It was just such a distinctly foreign sound that I thought there might be a 
more obvious answer or rather, a distinctly less obvious one. 

Good luck,

Nadir Souirgi

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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