It is difficult to express what Ken and Sue's message meant to us. 
During the seven long months that the Robert Moses bridge has been 
closed, we literally have felt deprived of a sense organ, as though 
we've been partly blind and deaf to the movements of birds around us. 
Shai and I ventured out to Fire Island this evening with little concern 
for the poor weather (belts of fog and rain driven on a northwest wind, 
usually the worst wind direction for seawatching); indeed, we hardly 
cared what we saw as long as we were able to explore our old haunts.

Seeing that parts of Great South Bay were socked in with fog, Shai 
proposed his typically optimistic view that "It's just patchy; likely as 
not it'll clear out beyond the beach." Sure enough, visibility over the 
ocean wasn't bad at all, if one could get shelter from the rain. But 
before we could get started with our seawatch, Shai spied a bedraggled 
cluster of unkempt brown gulls in the lot and insisted on inspecting 
them. We drove over and, sure enough, there were three Lesser 
Black-backed Gulls in field 2. I've more or less tolerated Shai's 
compulsive attention to this species over the years--his "raison d'etre" 
as he always says, when we come across one or more on a slow day of 
birding. This time I can attest that the tag was apt; after lamenting 
the futility of his existence for seven months, he was so pleased to see 
them--just where they ought to be, if anyone were there to see them. I'd 
say that he was "chuffed as nuts" about it, if I knew exactly what that 

We found three more on the beach, a different one in the lot when we 
left, and another in field 5, rounding out a good tally of the spring 
push of immature LBBGs on LI. Our seawatch was interesting, especially 
given the unusual combination of foul weather and northwest winds. We 
figured we saw 14 Sooty Shearwaters, although birds were tacking to and 
fro quite a bit; perhaps twice as many Gannets, all but two immature, 
also milling about; and I saw a Parasitic Jaeger and a Roseate Tern, 
both proceeding eastward without hesitation, while Shai was attempting 
to photograph one of his beloved gulls.

It was really good to be back.

Patricia Lindsay
Bay Shore

[] on behalf of Ken Feustel 
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 9:35 AM
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Robert Moses State Park Sea Watch (Suffolk Co.)

Encouraged by Derek Roger's reports of seabird activity at Smith's 
Point, we headed over to the beach to do a sea watch somewhere on the 
Jones barrier island. We were surprised to find RMSP open (Fields 2 & 
5), and decided to conduct a sea watch from Field  2. We spent an hour 
looking, with only a lone Sooty Shearwater for our efforts. There were 
small numbers of Northern Gannets, and Common, Forster's, and Least 
Terns but not much else. There was much activity on and off the beach, 
as State workers were  madly attempting to get the beach ready for 
Memorial Day Weekend. Besides an open view of the ocean just east of the 
traffic circle, the beaches appear to be in good shape (after much beach 
nourishment from dredging).  Its nice to have one of the prime Long 
Island birding locations open again.

Ken & Sue Feustel
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