See Life Paulagics has scheduled a 12 hour offshore pelagic out of
Freeport, NY for Saturday, Feb 1 with the Capt. Lou Fleet.  Both of
their boats are large, stable, with a big top deck, heated cabin, and
separate men's and ladies facilities. As always we'll have multiple
leaders to help find and get people on the birds.

Dovekie is one of the prime targets on this trip and the right water
temperatures for this species are currently close to shore.  We just
had a dozen out of Belmar, NJ within 20 miles or so of land.  On an
offshore fishing trip at the end of December out of Cape May we also
saw Dovekies, multiple Fulmars, flocks of Red Phalaropes, Kittiwakes,
and even a very late Great Shearwater!  Other birds we often find on
this trip include Atlantic Puffin, Common and Thick-billed Murre,
Razorbill, Glaucous, Iceland, Lesser Black-backed, and Bonaparte's
Gulls, Black-legged Kittiwake, and numbers of Northern Gannets.  We
also see nearshore birds on our way out like Common and Red-throated
Loons, all 3 scoters (White-winged tends to be further offshore than
Surf or Black), and other sea ducks.

The trip cost is $185.  The boat sails at 6:00 AM, returning at
roughly 6:00 PM. To make a reservation, contact us by phone at
215-234-6805 or e-mail us at

Results and photos from past winter pelagics can be found on "Paulagic
Birding" on Facebook.

Hope to see you aboard.



*Paul A. Guris*

*See Life Paulagics*

*PO Box 161*

*Green Lane, PA  18054*


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