Dear Larry and others,
I wrote to the club yesterday and received the following answer. (See  
Below) Judging from the way it's worded I don't think they care what  
any of us think. It's preposterous that they are "gathering" the  
crows to eat.

Approaching our government representatives is a good way to go but  
perhaps some press coverage of this event my make them think twice. I  
don't know any journalists in that area that would take up the story.  
Anyone else have any contacts along these lines.

Best Rick

        Subject:        Re: Crow Shoot
        Date:   March 17, 2014 10:56:54 PM EDT
   Thank you for your input. Your opinion of our event is expected.  
We applaud your respect for nature and the crow. The crow is  
meaningful. We believe in utilizing the animal for all its worth. It  
sounds as if you do not realize that crow can and has been consumed  
for centuries. I'm sure as anecdotal evidence you would recall "4 and  
20 blackbirds baked in a pie".
You may gather and eat different things, however that does not  
negatively define us as sportsmen.
RVW Gun Club
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 17, 2014, at 6:40 PM, Rick Kedenburg  
<> wrote:

Dear RVW Club.
As a youth I was a duck and deer hunter on eastern LI.  I know you  
have every right to conduct this shoot. It is perfectly legal for  
this to happen under the rules of the NYS-DEC.

However I am still outraged by this. Crows are one of the most  
intelligent creatures we share the Earth with. They have been  
documented to fashion and use tools. They are highly social and live  
in family groups. My fascination with them led me to love and  
appreciate nature long ago.

I hope you can understand that this will not be good for the  
reputation of your club or for any responsible hunters.

Rick Kedenburg

On Mar 18, 2014, at 9:26 AM, Larry Federman wrote:

> Yes, this is a State issue.  Our State Senator is Cecilia Tkaczyk  
> and our Assembly member is Pete Lopez.  Our US congressman is Chris  
> Gibson.  I will be reaching out to all of their offices.
> But, as we all know, ‘legally’ the club has a right to do this.
> And  their Facebook page is still up - 
> events/258725434301388/
> Larry Federman
> President, Northern Catskills Audubon


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