Saturday, 19 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A modestly-early Prairie Warbler in the Ramble this morning (maybe  
same one that was reported a week earlier- when a bit more  
surprisingly early, or - today's perhaps a more recently-arrived bird)  
was among rather few migrants (for the after-mid-April date) noticed  
in Central this day - also a lingering (& early-ish to have arrived  
already) male Common Yellowthroat, at least a few male Pine Warblers,  
a scattering & smattering of Palm Warblers, a lingering Black-and- 
white Warbler in the Ramble, & a few kinglets and Blue-gray  
Gnatcatchers, mainly in the Ramble & w. side of park, 70's/80's street  
"latitudes". Seemingly very (very!) quiet in the north end, this  
a.m.    There is a report of a male B.-t. Blue W., from the Ramble...  
& reports of (what would be) such extremely early arrivals, lacking  
any comment at all on the earliness, keep such "interesting",; many  
such "early-birds" may remain (and thus be found by others, as well,  
in a place like the Ramble, etc., of this particular park...) A few  
other reports have also filtered in - including some that suggest a  
very subtle movement of "overshoot" birds had taken place (or not all  
that subtle, to certain fortuitous observers).

Very few Hermit Thrushes (not the many that are expected by around  
this far into April), & a relative dearth of migrant sparrows, even  
White-throated Sparrow NOT in the abundant numbers that are still  
anticipated to pass thru, in the next 2 weeks or so...  A single Dark- 
eyed Junco was seen at the Blockhouse, a species that is usually hard  
to come by in Central by around May 1st. Recent (& brief) swallow  
activity at the Meer & elsewhere seems to have hit a lull, today... a  
whole lot more of that group of migrants are also anticipated... and  
soon - in a typical year, anyhow...

beware the overdone volume...
good and responsible birding,

Tom Fiore


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