Dear Joe & all,

Of course, a NYC park that has done some excellent work in planting &  
planning for the future of the green-space is Prospect Park-Brooklyn,  
which is in many ways a jewel of a place in this city and in the world.

There are programs to place native plants & do work that can benefit  
wildlife including resident, breeding & migratory bird life, in any  
number of city parks around here, and of course in many other areas,  
but - it is really a constant struggle as well to try & get the  
funding & the approval to do much that can be, and in some places is,  
done.  I know, also, there are too many instances where the value of  
wild areas in the urban biome is undervalued, and not always  
understood by decision-makers. For those who have done good, we can be  

[Tom Fiore,
Manhattan]  & n.b. (please URGE a friend or colleague to sign the  
petition, and do so yourself if you have not.)
This also brings up the plea to get more people to sign a petition to  
help the site in NYC which has hosted more species and, perhaps,  
greater numbers of birds than any other in the city, in its years of  
existence as a refuge, and likely far into the past as a rich marine  
resource &, - well; Doug Futuyma writes as elegantly as can be:
Dear fellow birders,

Please forgive my writing, especially if we are not personally  
acquainted, but this is an attempt to push the Petition to Restore  
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge past a significant threshold.  I write as  
one member of the Birders' Coalition for Gateway that drafted the  

As of this evening, only 26 more signatures are needed to cross the  
5,000 threshold, which I think is a respectable (but still minimal)  
number to have accrued before sending it to the Secretary of the  
Interior and the top management of Gateway National Recreation Area.

You have almost certainly signed the petition yourself, but you  
probably know someone who would be favorable but who hasn't signed  
it.  If each of us could enlist at least one more signatory, we will  
pass this threshold.

The Gateway management will be providing opportunity for public  
comment this summer. Some of them are apparently claiming that birders  
and other naturalists have not been visible or vocal on the issue of  
restoring the West Pond, the jewel of the Wildlife Refuge.  This is  
utterly untrue, but sending off this petition will speak loudly for  
our concern and engagement.

It is now a year and a half since the West Pond, where we once  
marvelled at the abundance and diversity of waterfowl, herons,  
shorebirds, terns, and many other species -- including the occasional  
mega-rarity --  was turned into a birdless wasteland.  For the sake of  
both our community and especially of the birds and other wildlife, we  
must press responsble officals, starting at the top, to do what they  
could have done more than a year ago.  PLEASE URGE A FRIEND TO SIGN  

The petition is easily accessed at 

Many thanks,

Doug Futuyma
Stony Brook, NY
_________ <<<<
On May 11, 2014, at 3:44 PM, <> wrote:

> Date: May 11, 2014
> Taking a break from our regular birding spots my wife and I went to  
> the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center off of Ave. U in Brooklyn.  
> The birding was good as we saw some 30 species. The highlights were:  
> Clapper Rail, Solitary Sandpiper ,Killdeer, Oystercatcher, Greater  
> Yellowlegs, Eastern Kingbird, and Warbling Vireo.
> For warblers we only saw two, the Yellow and Common Yellowthroat.
> The park is greatly improved since the last time I was there a few  
> years ago. There were benches along a well defined trail and  
> overlooks at some spots. A bridge over the mudflats made for good  
> walking and good viewing. I also believe that a lot of invasive non- 
> native plants were removed and replaced by native species.It seems  
> that some new plantings were recently put in. I wish that some other  
> parks in the NYC area would be like this.
> Best,
> Joe Giunta


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