Firstly, I want to thank (alphabetically) Andrew Baksh, Gail Benson and Tom
Burke) for finding the Baird's Sandpiper on the Rt.105, Riverhead sod field

Secondly, I'd like to thank Jeff Ritter for being at that location upon my
arrival this AM, and enabling me to quickly find the 6 A.Golden Plovers and
single Baird's Sandpiper he had seen earlier. Also present were 5 semi-
plovers, ~15 Killdeers and as least 1 least sandpiper. We then drove the
perimeter of the "Golden Trapezium", which was devoid of birds.

We then headed west along Sound Ave to check out both the DeLea and
Dallalio Sod Farms. At the first we found 71 (we counted separately)
A.Golden Plovers, but the latter held none.

While giving thanks, I want to acknowledge those birders who came to my aid
this past Monday (8/24) while looking for the Common Ringed Plover on the
mud flats at Cupsogue Co.Pk. I had become dehydrated, feeling light-headed,
in addition to feeling very fatigued. This condition was observed by Kathy
Klecan, a nurse, who, found an irregular heart beat and said I needed
medical help. She then took off running (all the way) from the flats to the
First Aid Station on the boardwalk, to get help. While she was gone Gail
Benson,Tom Burke and Sue & Ken Feustel all shared their water with me -
thank you guys ! Thanks also to all of the other,assembled birders for
their well wishes. After a short while, Kathy came running back with the
good news that  "the cavalry was on it's way" ! They came in the form of 2,
4x4, wide tire, open John Deere all-terrain vehicles, but even they
couldn't make it across the fairly deep channel. Aided by Tom Burke, Shai
Mitra, Kathy and a walking stick, I  made it to there side ! Arriving at
the air-conditioned First Aid Station, they hydrated me enough, to get me
looking & feeling much better - thank you Gregg.! He recommended going to
the emergency room just to be safe. Kathy then volunteered to take me (I
couldn't reach my wife) and was in no condition to drive myself. After
getting me checked in, she left, to head to a family birthday party that
she was already late for - what a gal ! Kathy,thank you for taking
charge...I am for ever in your debt !



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