a little more info on this bird. Henslow's is a skulker normally, and in 
today's wind even more so, keeping low and scurrying between tufts of grass. It 
would be (and was) easy to miss even at close range as it ducks into the grass. 
When I saw it, and Bob and Ed saw it earlier, they nearly stepped on it, as it 
was hiding in the tufts of grass in the middle of this open wet area. I believe 
Jacob's group found it in the tall shrubs next to the golf course, and when we 
left around 2:30 it flew into the taller grass west of the field, opposite the 
golf course. The "field" where it's been seen is just southwest of the 
southwest corner of the golf course, almost at Fort Tilden. Bob stuck a large 
branch or stick in the middle of the field as a reference point. Today there 
were several wet patches, so the habitat probably approached that of Henslow's 
breeding territory. I have seen Henslow's before, but never as bright olive as 
this bird. The olive head contrasted strongly with the brown and buff marked 
back, and the eye ring was fairly prominent. Outstanding find by Pat, and for 
me the best of the good run of fall rarities. And special thanks to Bob and Ed 
for staying on the bird while I dealt with the traffic and bridge closing.
As noted by Arie, you have to use the bridge at Cross Bay Boulevard to get to 
Riis Park
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:26:24 -0500
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Henslow's Sparrow
From: baobab...@gmail.com
To: NYSbirds-L@cornell.edu

The sparrow continues in Riis Park as posted yesterday.

Robert A. Proniewych

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