Excellent birding day at NYBG. We started out by chasing a TREE SPARROW that 
darted through the birches in the Native Plant Garden. A small flash caught our 
eyes and an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER jumped up and then quickly down. Suddenly a 
flock of small birds flew by our heads landing in an adjacent tree- PINE 
SISKINS on every branch! There were PURPLE FINCH throughout the garden along 
with House Finch- more numbers than we have seen in many years. American 
Goldfinch were feeding in the sweet gum as were the Purple Finch and Siskins. 
Hawks were plentiful as we watched a skillful NORTHERN GOSHAWK maneuver through 
the forest trees. Down by the lake an AMERICAN KESTREL sat stop a tree. A 
sharp- shinned hawk and Cooper's hawk were also nearby. Red tailed hawks were 
perched on branches. A Belted Kingfisher rattled its presence midair as it 
circled the Twin Lake. 
The garden was full of birds, throughout. 

Chipping sparrow-1
White throated-100+
Song sparrow-4
American Tree sparrow-4
Fox sparrow-3
Hermit thrush-6
Belted kingfisher-1
Rusty blackbird-1
American Robin-15
Blue Jay-26
Pine Siskin-20+
House finch-21
Purple finch-6
Junco 200+
Red breasted nuthatch-1
White breasted nuthatch-3
Chickadee -5
Hairy woodpecker -1
Downy woodpecker -1
Red bellied woodpecker -1
Yellow bellied sapsucker -1
American kestrel-1
Cooper's hawk-2
Sharp shinned hawk-1
Northern goshawk-1
Red tailed hawk-3
Grackles 300+
Red winged blackbird-1
Mourning dove-32

Special thanks to young birder Christopher. 

Good Birding,
Debbie Becker


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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