Common Redpolls showed up at our Long Lake feeders on 1/20/15 and their
numbers continue to increase each day.  We have had Pine Siskins at our
feeders throughout the winter in addition to a large flock of Amer.
Goldfinches (unusual in the central Adirondacks in the heart of winter).
Redpolls have been observed digging snow burrows each day.  There is also a
flock of 11 Wild Turkeys that visit for corn.  We are going through suet
cakes every few days - I don't recall a winter where this has ever happened.
I put out a second suet feeder, and Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers are glued to
them all day.


Some January sightings (Mostly Hamilton and Franklin Counties):


1/29/15 While I was feeding 3 Gray Jays at Sabattis Bog, I heard a flock of
Bohemian Waxwings flying over, nearby but out of sight - quite a nice


1/28/15 A Dark-eyed Junco was under our feeders again.  It has been observed
on and off all winter - very unusual for this time of year at my location!
They nest right outside our home, and I wonder if it is the male that breeds
at this location.


On a 1/23/15 tour with a birder from Long Island, we spent time in the
boreal habitat of Bloomingdale and Brighton.  Here are a few of the species

Ruffed Grouse - flushed

Wild Turkey - flock of 26!

Black-backed Woodpecker - 4; 2 different males observed (photo on my
Facebook page)

Gray Jay - 2 (photo on Facebook)

Boreal Chickadee - at least 3

Brown Creeper

Red Crossbill - at least 10


1/22/15 At Sabattis Bog, while feeding Gray Jays (& Black-capped Chickadees,
Red-breasted Nuthatches, and Red Squirrels too), a flock of ~30 redpolls
dropped down to feed with them.  There was at least one Pine Siskin with
them.  Photos on Facebook.  Redpolls have been observed and heard on and off
at Sabattis Bog since New Year's Eve.


1/21/15 Long Lake - while filling our feeders at 5:30 a.m., I was nearing
the end of our porch when something a few feet away began to scream at me!
I don't recall being this startled in many years.  It was a long scream
increasing in volume.  I nearly dropped my pitcher of seed.  I was surprised
to see a Barred Owl fly away.  I thought after nearly 20 years that I'd
heard all their many vocalizations, and I never would have taken that scream
to be a Barred Owl.  I gave a Barred Owl hoot and immediately, a Barred Owl
called, then hooted, but from the opposite direction from the one that flew
- so I believe there were 2 Barred Owls hunting the small mammals under our
porch (where the seed drops).  I went inside with shaking knees and hands! I
felt bad about interrupting their pre-dawn hunt.


At Sabattis Bog, I found 2 Black-backed Woodpeckers, 3 Gray Jays, and 2
Boreal Chickadees (it has been many years since I've found Boreal Chickadees
at Sabattis Bog).  I then did a wide circle to Plattsburgh, then north to
Lake Alice and across northern Lake Champlain to VT.  I saw many raptors -
Bald Eagle, 1 Northern Harrier, many Red-tailed Hawks, and several
Rough-legged Hawks (both Dark and Light Morphs), and Snow Buntings.


1/20/15 Common Redpolls arrived at our feeders.  I observed a Mink cross
Route 30 in Long Lake.  I found many Red Crossbills - a flyover pair at the
Paul Smith's VIC, but many flocks and pairs along Jones Pond Road.  (Photos
on Facebook).  There was a lot of courtship behavior among pairs.  I
recorded the vocalizations as I was surrounded by about 20 Red Crossbills on
both sides of the road.  I sent the recordings to Matt Young at the Cornell
Lab and he identified them as "Type 10" (thanks Matt!).  I also found a 1st
winter Northern Shrike on White Pine Rd.  I headed up to Massena after and
found a flock of Cedar Waxwings, but no Bohemians among them.


1/17/15 A Barred Owl flew across Route 3 between Tupper Lake and Saranac


1/15/15 A male Black-backed Woodpecker was found at Sabattis Bog and 3 Gray
Jays were observed (ditto on 1/12/15).  Once in a while this winter I hear a
Golden-crowned Kinglet, which I did this day - this normally abundant
year-round resident has disappeared this winter!


1/11/15 A Snowshoe Hare was observed frantically hopping around Sabattis
Circle Road - then I spotted the Pine Marten that was in pursuit!


1/10/15 A Fisher was observed crossing Route 30 in Long Lake.


1/2/15 At Sabattis Bog, a Northern Goshawk suddenly appeared on a perch and
then quickly flew off into the trees.  Then, one of the Gray Jays perfectly
imitated a Northern Goshawk vocalization!


A few people in Long Lake and Newcomb have had Evening Grosbeaks show up at
their feeders, but they only stay a few days and then disappear.  A Carolina
Wren is wintering at two locations along Kickerville Rd. in Long Lake!


Joan Collins

Editor, New York Birders

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell       

(518) 624-5528 home 



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