This morning I drove Dune Road from Westhampton to Shinnecock Inlet, under
exceptionally pleasant conditions for birding: it was almost windless and
relatively "warm" (by current standards). I checked the ocean at almost
every viewpoint. A single Red-necked Grebe was a short distance east of
Quogue Village Beach, and a pale Rough-legged Hawk was over the marsh near
Dolphin Lane.  On the bay at Shinnecock Inlet, the tide was extremely low.
About 70 seals (mostly or all Harbor, as far as I could tell, given limited
knowledge and considerable distance) were hauled out on a sandbar to the
northeast. I saw fewer than 100 Common Eider on the bay, most quite
distant. However, a very large flock of birds, well over 5000, extended
seaward, somewhat east of the eastern jetty. Most were very distant, and
identification would have been fairly difficult if there had been wind.
Scoters and Long-tailed Ducks predominated, but there were at least 1000
Common Eider, as well as many feeding gulls and a fair number of Common
Loons.  (I saw no Red-throated Loons today, and my impression is that they
are quite uncommon this season.)  I did not see King Eider, but had limited
time to work the large flock, much of which, moreover, took flight and
settled very far out when a boat approached.

At the fields east of Riverhead, small flocks of geese were flying over,
but almost the only ones  on the ground were in a very large, dense flock
on Roanoke Avenue, south of Reeves Avenue. I could find only Canada Geese,
but had only about 20 minutes to search.

Doug Futuyma
Stony Brook


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