The last late-blooming flowers of Bryant Park were killed off in a major 
frosting just before Thanksgiving.  Then the grounds crew cleared most of the 
downed autumn leaves, giving the bordering hedges a pristine look but reducing 
the chances of winter hearties that could take advantage of the holiday food 
concessions and then run for cover.  As far I know, this late winter were no 
rufous-tailed hummer sightings, no Towhee or Sapsuckers in front of the library 
on Fifth Avenue, no Chat, no wrens, no Lincoln.  By the holiday week, the 
sparrow population had reduced equally between House and Common White-throats 
with one Swamp Sparrow, plus two Catbirds.  Yet, the holiday concession stands 
operated longer into the new year - a few remaining loyal to the ice rink until 
last week’s final closure.  I last saw the Swamp Sparrow with a lone Catbird in 
mid-January, pecking at freeze-dried hotdogs by the entrance to Celsius.  The 
last Catbird made it through the last weekend of January for the winter BBQ 
fest, then was not seen again.  Then the snows came hard - and perhaps this 
winter wasn’t the worst, but unusual for the city, the park grounds remained 
snow-covered ever since.  In the center of the winter wonderland, the fountain 
turned into an abstract ice sculpture and viral snapshot.

During the worst weather, the sparrows would congregate at the garden 
facilities in the southeast corner.  If I stood nearby, they would collect in a 
stack of folded lawn chairs looking like an apartment complex, so they could 
check me out at eye level.  If I put my hands in my pockets, the House Sparrows 
would swoop down and gather at my feet.  Perhaps they are used to a charitable 
grounds crew worker.

I expect the snow this week, like the rink’s ice, will finally melt away.  I’m 
already seeing struggling skunk cabbage shoots out on Long Island.  Then it 
will be arrival time.

Happy Birding,
Alan Drogin

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