Wednesday, March 11 at 7pm
Coyotes on Long Island-They're Coming!
A breeding population of coyotes has been established in the Bronx near Long 
Island’s western end and on Fishers Island (technically the Town of Southold, 
Suffolk County), near Long Island’s eastern end, for some years. Individual 
coyotes have been residing in Queens since 2009, and on the south fork of 
Suffolk County since 2013.The coyote (Canis latrans) has greatly expanded its 
range in North America over the last century, and it is now found in every 
state except Hawaii and every Canadian province. Long Island is now one of the 
few large land masses in the continental U.S. without a breeding population of 
coyotes. But wildlife biologists think that will change soon.Assuming that Long 
Island will have a breeding population of coyotes in the near future, this 
presents a unique opportunity. This presentation will discuss the goals of the 
Long Island Coyote Study Group, as well as some interesting facts about the 
extremely adaptable creature.Mike Bottini is a veteran naturalist, outdoor 
educator, and environmental consultant. After completing graduate studies in 
wildlife ecology at the University of British Columbia, Mike worked for 
fourteen years at the Group for the South Fork, a non-profit environmental 
advocacy organization. He has taught field ecology, environmental  science, and 
natural history courses at St. Lawrence University, Southampton College, and 
CUNY, has published three books, and is an award-winning columnist. Mike's 
wildlife research studies have included elk, spotted and tiger salamanders, 
spotted turtles, piping plovers, and river otters. At St. Lawrence, he designed 
and taught Winter Field Ecology, and has slept in igloos and snow caves in the 
mountains of New England, Colorado, Scotland, Labrador and Baffin Island. He 
continues to introduce people to the outdoors through his field naturalist 
classes, nature walks, and paddling trips. for more information.
Stella MillerPresidentHuntington-Oyster Bay Audubon

"Conservation is sometimes perceived as stopping everything cold, as holding 
whooping cranes in higher esteem than people. It is up to science to spread the 
understanding that the choice is not between wild places or people, it is 
between a rich or an impoverished existence for Man." Thomas Lovejoy  

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