Started the morning with some vine cutting led by Karalyn Lamb of Croton Point 
Vine Cutters and The Swarm, whose work albeit swimming upstream, helps put a 
dent in invasive species at the Point and elsewhere in the lower Hudson valley. 
Freed up some Sassafras saplings and some black cherry trees.  My brief stint 
at manual labor paid off as I ran into a dear friend I hadn't seen in some time 
and we got in an hour's birding. There were a pair of American widgeon and many 
green winged teal in the scattered puddles. Also had 2 fox sparrow and 2 great 
horned owls.  We missed the first reported osprey of the season.  I was back at 
CPP in the evening for Saw Mill River Audubon's annual woodcock walk.  The 
group first got looks at the lingering waterfowl and a single well 
camouflaged/wide-open (yes oxymoronic), Wilson's snipe that leader Charlie 
Roberto was able to get in the scope for the 20 or so participants. Then along 
the landfill's easternmost path we had at least 6 woodcock. They seemed to come 
out of the marsh right where the tree line ends. One was in clear view less 
than 20 feet from the group when the light was still decent. Several others 
were heard "peenting" and seen airborne although the flight seemed somewhat 
truncated, after all it was freezing. The night sky, however, was beautiful and 
for a perfect ending, there was "Venus rising first and shining best from the 
Northwest corner of a brand new crescent moon."* 

* R. Hunter/J. Garcia

L. Trachtenberg
Ossining, NY


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