I returned to Dune Rd. this afternoon, and once again saw, what I'm pretty
sure is the same Snowy Owl, albeit in a fairly close, but different

Starting at the Jessup La. Bridge, Westhampton Beach, I road Dune Rd. to
it's easterly end at the Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays. Although today's
outing was a little longer than yesterday's, the Great Egret total fell
from 13 down to 8.

Also seen e/o the Ponqougue Bridge was a perched, adult, female Merlin,
along with 2 each of Red-throated & Common Loons in the inlet, and 2 drake,
Common Eider, in the ocean w/o the inlet.

I may, or may not, have seen the owl on my own today. As i passed
yesterday's location, the chair was still there, but the bird was not. This
was not surprising after getting an email from Pat Aitken stating that she
also got  the bird yesterday, and while it was still in the same general
area, it had moved to a dune on the ocean side. Continuing east, I came
upon a father & son birding team (I didn't get their names, but they live
in the Setauket area} who had their scope on the Snowy ! It was resting on
the farthest Duck Blind, situated on the n/s of the marsh. I forgot to look
for a pole #, but the road distance back to the Tiana Beach & Marina is ~
1/2 mile.



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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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