May 13, 2015 at 7pm

Grasslands, a Vanishing Landscape with Jenny Murtaugh - NYS Department of 
Environmental Conservation

Tallgrass prairies once covered 140 millions acres across the United States. 
Today, all that remains is between 1 and 4% . Short and mixed grass prairies 
are also declining.  As grasslands are our fastest declining habitats, so are 
the birds utilize them.  Of the 48 species of birds breeding in grasslands, 
approximately 50% of them are in trouble. Tonight we will explore these 
vanishing ecosystems and their inhabitants. Jenny Murtaugh is a Wildlife 
Technician in the Wildlife Diversity Unit within the NYS Department of 
Environmental Conservation’s Bureau of Wildlife and is based out of DEC 
headquarters in Albany. She began working for DEC during her senior year of 
Wildlife Management at SUNY Cobleskill in 2009. She has done research through 
DEC, the NYS Museum, and SUNY ESF related to coyote genetics and ecology, 
fishers, Karner blue butterflies, frosted elfin butterflies, grassland birds, 
marsh birds, MAPS bird banding, and winter raptors and is currently focused on 
a revision effort of NY’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need list and State 
Wildlife Action Plan  She presented her personal research on ocelots in Panama 
professionally at the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference in 
Lancaster, PA in April 2009 and at The Wildlife Society’s 16th Annual National 
Conference in Monterey, CA in September 2009. She has been the President of the 
New York State Bluebird Society since 2012.Tallgrass prairies once covered 140 
millions acres across the United States. Today, all that remains is between 1 
and 4% . Short and mixed grass prairies are also declining.  As grasslands are 
our fastest declining habitats, so are the birds utilize them.  Of the 48 
species of birds breeding in grasslands, approximately 50% of them are in 
trouble. Tonight we will explore these vanishing ecosystems and their 
inhabitants.  Location: Cold Spring Harbor Library, Cold Spring Harbor, NY  
Large Meeting Room
Stella MillerPresidentHuntington-Oyster Bay Audubon

"Conservation is sometimes perceived as stopping everything cold, as holding 
whooping cranes in higher esteem than people. It is up to science to spread the 
understanding that the choice is not between wild places or people, it is 
between a rich or an impoverished existence for Man." Thomas Lovejoy

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