That's fabulous news.  Andrew, thank you for your dedicated and tireless
efforts, because without you riding heard on the NPS, and keeping us
informed, I doubt anything would have happened.

Just a suggestion, maybe we should all call NPS and thank them.  It may
help get work accomplished more quickly in future, or maintain momentum
now.  The park service needs to know how valuable a resource Jamaica Bay
is, and that there is a large group of us out here who want it maintained.

*Best, *
*Pat Aitken*
*cel:  516.857.7567 <516.857.7567>*

*In the end, it is people who are curious who change the world. *

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:18 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> As I indicated a few days ago, there is currently work being done on the
> north end of the East Pond. Although, I had a fairly good idea of what was
> being attempted.  Yesterday evening, I had a conversation with NPS
> management in an effort to clarify what exactly was being done.
> Here is the scoop--NPS, has uncovered an area of the pipe that drains the
> pond. This section was found to have some collapsing occurring and so the
> SHORT TERM solution is to sleeve it with PVC piping. A long term solution
> will be to replace the entire pipe and put in place a more robust and
> updated system.  This will require much more money than the short term
> solution so it will not happen overnight. However, it is on the radar to
> get done.
> As a result of the action taken to uncover the problematic section of the
> pipe and clearing the collapsed area and any blockage, water is now flowing
> at a considerable clip out of the pond. This, I verified early this morning
> as I visited the site and could see that the output will make a difference
> in the water level.
> This increased flow coupled with a dry spell means that we have a very
> good chance of salvaging the shorebird season on the pond. I'll keep
> posting updates as I check in and note the water level and movement of
> shorebirds.
> Again, thank you to all those who took the time to call in and or write to
> NPS, who themselves deserve credit for taking the necessary actions.
> Start brushing up on your shorebirds peeps, it's going to get real in a
> matter of weeks!
> Cheers,
> 風 Swift as the wind
> 林 Quiet as the forest
> 火 Conquer like the fire
> 山 Steady as the mountain
> Sun Tzu <>  *The Art of War*
> <>
> (\__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (")
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!
> Andrew Baksh
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