With apologies for the long delay, here at last are the results of this 
year's Challenge, hosted by the Seatuck Environmental Association. 

Second Annual Seatuck
Birding Challenge, 26 September, 2015


Competing as seven senior and five high school teams, 47
birders scoured Long Island, finding 148 species. These included 35 
seen by all senior teams (and by most high school teams as well), and 29
notable species seen by just a single team (saves!)--see detailed list 
below. Three
of these single team observations were added by the high school teams.


The timing of this year’s event in relation to the fall
weather systems found us a little bit in between seasons. Many late fall 
winter species, including various ducks, coots, and gulls, plus species 
like Golden-crowned
Kinglets and Blue-headed Vireos, were not “in” yet. In contrast, some 
and egrets, and most terns, swallows, and warblers were already gone. 
were no “write-in” species.


The Brant seen by two parties were birds lingering at
Jamaica Bay from the summer. Common Eider, and Black and White-winged 
were seen by two parties. The Ring-necked Pheasant seen by two parties 
was from
Kissena Park/Corridor—one of the last strongholds for this species on 
Northern Bobwhite was missed. Philadelphia Vireo was seen by three 


Illustrating the uncertainty of birding, and the
irregularity of this sometimes-taken-for-granted species, the Chickadee 
to elude the Chickadee Chasers!


Pteam Ptarmigeddon won the competition with an impressive 105
species, followed by the William T. Hornadays with 97, and the Captree 
with 96. The top high school team was Team Mennecke with 30 species. 
These are
the official species totals, reported according to the stringent rules 
and regulations
of the contest.


Two omissions were noticed only after the fact. Pteam
Ptarmigeddon forgot to add Swamp Sparrow and would have come in at 106, 
an oversight
that hardly mattered given their commanding lead over the other teams. 
But the
Captree Counters’ miscalculation of the number of unshared species they 
remaining had more serious consequences. They left off American
Goldfinch, not realizing the mistake until compiling the count two weeks 
This would have put them at 97, tying them for second place with the 
William T.
Hornadays. But worse, it deprived the Chickadee Chasers of their 
deserved Third
Place position!


Notable species:

Eurasian Wigeon (Pteam Ptarmigeddon)

Redhead (Chickadee Chasers)

Ring-necked Duck (Moss Piglets)

Greater Scaup (Pt Pt)

Red-breasted Merganser (Moss Piglets)

Northern Gannet (Captree Counters)

Great Cormorant (Captree Counters)

Wild Turkey (Team Mennecke)

Bald Eagle (Chickadee Chasers)

Clapper Rail (Pt Pt)

Am. Golden-Plover (Four Harbors Herons)

Piping Plover (WT Hornadays)

Spotted Sandpiper (WT Hornadays)

Pectoral Sandpiper (Captree Counters)

Semipalmated Sandpiper (Captree Counters)

Long-billed Dowitcher (Pt Pt)

Great Horned Owl (Four Harbors Herons)

Monk Parakeet (WT Hornadays)

Willow Flycatcher (Origins Nighthawks)

Blue-headed Vireo (Pt Pt)

Red-breasted Nuthatch (Four Harbors Herons)

Marsh Wren (Captree Counters)

Veery (Chickadee Chasers)

Golden-winged Warbler (Captree Counters)

Nashville Warbler (WT Hornadays)

Nelson’s Sparrow (Captree Counters)

Saltmarsh Sparrow (Pt Pt)

Seaside Sparrow (Captree Counters)

Lincoln’s Sparrow (Chickadee Chasers)

More information about this event, including a link to a photo of the 
winning team and a comprehensive spreadsheet of the compilation can be 
found at:
 https://www.seatuck.org/index.php/2015-birding-challenge-results - see 
hyperlink at bottom: "Click here for a full compilation of the results." 
We hope to see even more teams signing up for the Challenge next year!


Thanks to all who participated and thanks to the
Seatuck folks for hosting this exciting event. Looking forward to next 

Patricia Lindsay and Shai Mitra
Bay Shore


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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