Jean Irons kindly forwarded my query concerning the Id of the Central  
Park goose to goose expert Ken Abraham. His opinion is that it is a  
Cackling Goose (B. hutchinsii). Details below:

Peter Post

Begin forwarded message:

> From:
> Date: February 15, 2016 11:09:48 AM EST
> To:
> Subject: Re: [BIRDWG01] goose ID
> Reply-To:
> Hi Peter,
> We asked goose expert Ken Abraham to comment. Please see
> below.
> “It’s difficult to tell what this bird is, other than
> that it is smaller white-cheeked goose than the associated birds  
> (which are
> likely large Canada Geese of the local breeding population). The  
> bill is the
> obvious character trait that doesn’t fit the birder’s conventional  
> wisdom that
> a cackling goose must have a short, stubby, triangular bill. This  
> is not the
> case. Photographs of breeding geese from Southampton Island and  
> western Hudson
> Bay coast of Nunavut deemed to be B. hutchinsii show a variety of  
> bill shapes,
> including ones that look like the bird in this observation. There  
> is also a
> fairly large variation in B. hutchinsii body size from the Nunavut- 
> Manitoba
> border to Baffin Island  (larger in the
> south approaching the low end of the B. c. interior size range).
> My usual caveat about identification of any eastern
> white-cheeked goose as a Lesser Canada Goose B. c. parvipes is that  
> such a bird
> would be exceedingly exceedingly rare based on all known band  
> recoveries from
> the restricted breeding range of B. c. parvipes
> as it understood since the revision of thinking about species and
> subspecies in the 2004 A.O.U. split. Current thinking is that B. c.  
> parvipes is
> restricted to Alaska, and that the small white cheeked geese across  
> the
> Canadian arctic from Yukon to Nunavut are B.
> hutchinsii. The observer of this bird may not be aware of this (and
> frankly most people aren’t because some of the information isn’t  
> published or
> widely available).
> Thus, as a conservative thinker on this issue of small
> white-cheeked geese, I would call this bird a B. hutchinsii variant.”
> Ron Pittaway and Jean Iron
> Toronto ON
>> Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 11:28:03 -0500
>> From:
>> Subject: [BIRDWG01] goose ID
>> To:
>> I  photographed this goose, yesterday, 13 February, on the Central
>> Park Reservoir, New York City. I would  appreciate comments
>> concerning ID. I'm leaning toward B. canadensis parvipes. Thanks.
>> Photos can be found here:
>> Peter Post
>> New York City, NY
>> Archives:
> Archives:


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