Woke up with the idea that I would take a break from birding today....real
busy!  Anyway, first thing
I see on our BroomeRBA is a MARBLED GODWIT found by the birding guru Tim
Lenz at Upper Lisle
County Park in Whitney Point on a gravel bar upper end of the reservoir. So
I forgo my coffee and
breakfast  (and plans!!)and literally fly up to the  end of Kiebal Road
Whitney Point for the best vantage
point and meet up with George Chiu, Victor Lamoreux and Glenn Wilson.
Everyone got on the bird,
but then it flew!! So I eventually left as I had other things to do.

Then I came back in the afternoon to see if I could re-find it. First thing
that hits me is that in Upper Lisle County Park
over the reservoir there were all these white specks flying around,
terns!!! It was like being at the ocean!!
All three species of white tern that we get were present. CASPIAN,
FORSTER'S and COMMON. I got great looks at these
guys as they flew around the marsh at the upper end of the reservoir past
the gate. I saw many more
terns out flying around the gravel bar where the godwit was earlier. But
the birds on the gravel bar were too
shimmery and distant to ID.  So I hiked down the edge of the reservoir from
the north to a nice spot where
I got great looks at the terns, gulls and what I thought was the MARBLED
GODWIT on the gravel bar
but the bird was smaller and when it flashed its wings, I saw black and
white. The bill was straight and dark,
a western subspecie of the WILLET!!! This was an amazing day for "WESTERN"
WILLETS in upstate NY,
they were seen at Myer's Point Lansing, NY and Montezuma NWR and now our
Dorchester Park/Upper Lisle.
Also present in large numbers were swallows, TREE, BANK, BARN and CLIFF
flying around the lake too.

All in all, I totaled 72 species today with 2 very rare species for Broome

Dave Nicosia


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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