K. T. Bardwell and I spent some time at Croton Point this a.m. With NW winds we 
had hoped for a better raptor flight (any would have been good). But some good 
stuff:  large red wing blackbird and cedar waxwing flocks the former clearly 
moving through; some discernible rusty blackbirds, a few pipits and horned 
larks and one snow bunting; all above landfill. A "murder" (does 80-100 
qualify) of crows. Lots of Savannah; song; white throat, swamp, junco but no 
unusual sparrows; 5 osprey on low road (bay side). Great look at N. Harrier on 
ground of landfill. Several yellow rumped and one palm warbler. Highlight was 
probably a common loon -- first of season - out in croton bay. 

Don't forget to vote

L. Trachtenberg
Sent from my iPhone

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