
You raise  a good point. There is one site which historically has been THE site 
for reporting rare birds state wide, and that is the Cornell listserve NYS 
birds. While this is not only a rare bird alert, as its scope is broader, it 
still is the best place to get the word out on a rare bird. Unfortunately it 
has not been used as much in recent years due to people posting on other local 
and regional sites, as you noted.

I believe there been a perception - incorrect in my opinion- in the eyes of 
some upstate birders that it is mostly a downstate / NYC /Long Island 
listserve, possibly due to a majority of posts being from that area, at least 
in the past. And to Paul's point there have often been many "run of the mill" 
type daily posts of little interest to people who don't live in that area. This 
has resulted in many birders upstate using their regional listserves only, 
although a few people have made a good effort to cross post and get the word 
out to a wider audience. I don't think it takes much effort to list 2 addresses 
for those wanting to use their local sites and still get the word out to a 
wider audience when a rarity shows up.

But maybe to Paul's point a strictly RBA site state wide would address the 
issue. But someone would have to take responsibility for its upkeep.

Dave Klauber

<> on behalf of Paul R Sweet 
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 12:25 PM
To: Andrew Baksh
Cc: Ethan Maitra;; nysbirds-l
Subject: Re: [ebirdsnyc] Re: [nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Ash-throated Flycatcher

As I think I'm being called out here perhaps let's talk about some  
recommendations on how rarities are reported? Andrew you could take the lead 
here? One problem is that there are two “rare bird alerts” for NY that are 
often filled with run-of-the-mill daily lists and non rarity sightings. While 
these are of interest to some, they dilute the power of an RBA. As a suggestion 
could we make a recommendation that one of these becomes a true RBA for NYSARC 
reportable or at least scarce taxa only 
(<>) and the other a site 
for daily lists and musings on other aspects of local birding 
(<>). Of course the 
proliferation of bird alerts on Social Media such as #birdcp on Twitter and 
various WhatsAp and text alert groups add to the confusion. In short it would 
be great to standardize how and where true rare bird info appears. Ideally we 
should have a true RBA listserve like the one that Lloyd ran a few years ago. 
Over to you Andrew.

Paul Sweet

Paul Sweet | Department of Ornithology | American Museum of Natural History | 
Central Park West @ 79th St | NY 10024 | Tel 212 769 5780 | Mob 718 757 5941

On Nov 20, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Andrew Baksh<> [ebirdsnyc] 

Good point but for many, the Nassau County ATFL might be out of the way. More 
interesting for me, is how the Brooklyn bird was reported. It appears to me 
that we are once again seeing a break down on how rare to uncommon birds are 
being reported.

I'll withhold fire for now but I again urge all in the game to keep up the 
generosity of sharing and sharing early and to the wider community. There are a 
lot of birders who don't text, tweet or are not using any form of social media 
to communicate. Let's not leave them out.



"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of 
others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick 

風 Swift as the wind

林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain

  The Art of 

(= '.'=)

(") _ (")

Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!

Andrew Baksh<>

On Nov 20, 2016, at 11:07 AM, Ethan Maitra<> [ebirdsnyc] 

Meanwhile, there's an Ash-throated Flycatcher in Nassau (West Lido Beach Town 
Park) that is visible from the public parking lot....



Posted by: Andrew Baksh <<>>


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