The WETA has been seen on and off this morning on the northeast side of
city hall. When I was watching it, it called repeatedly. I'll upload photos
to my eBird checklist after the holiday. Thanks to Menachem and Logan Kahle
for re-finding it and to Cedric Duhalde for reporting the bird yesterday.

Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
Normally Albany

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 9:32 AM Anders Peltomaa
[ebirdsnyc] <> wrote:

> Directions for those lucky folks who can get out this morning.
> #birdcp Western Tanager continues, north section of City Hall Park, high
> in trees. via @FastMiler
> On Nov 24, 2016 9:12 AM, "Anders Peltomaa" <>
> wrote:
> I just saw a report on the Manhattan Twitter alert that the Western
> Tanager has been refound in City Hall Park this morning. That's all I know.
> Right now I am not thankful for the Macy's TG Parade, it makes it
> impossible to move in our neighborhood, and there is no chance for me to
> skip away for a quick twitch this morning.
> - Anders Peltomaa
> Manhattan
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