This morning, I was fortunate enough to come across an *EARED GREBE* very
shortly after I started birding at Gravesend Bay. I was scanning from the
end of Bay Parkway, adjacent to Ceaser's Bay Bazaar, and the bird was
initially out in the bay between the pedestrian overpass over the Belt
Parkway, and the southernmost parking lot along the Gravesend Bay stretch
of the Belt. Luckily, as I closed the distance, it decided to make a
beeline towards shore, and then directly towards me, until it was fairly
close to shore and directly off the southernmost lot (easily walkable from,
and less than a quarter of a mile away from, the end of Bay Parkway). Bear
this in mind if it is not easily visible from the spot where it spent most
of today.

It settled into this spot and people continued to see it here through
sunset. Though it didn't move from this area, it was visible scoping from
several vantage points, including from Coney Island Creek Park, more than a
mile across Gravesend Bay to the south.

While the bay did not have many Horned Grebes this morning, there were a
bunch more around in the afternoon, and caution is warranted when trying to
pick out the EAGR if it gets farther offshore. There are a couple of Horned
Grebes beginning to transition into breeding plumage (and there was one in
almost full breeding plumage in Jamaica Bay today), so rather than plumage,
I would rely first and foremost on the distinctive shape and structure of
the species when trying to track it down.

Here is an eBird checklist with a few photos of the EAGR embedded:

A few of other observations of interest around Brooklyn today included an
adult *American Oystercatcher* on the flats at the western end of Plumb
Beach, with almost 40 Red-throated Loons inside Rockaway Inlet seen from
Plumb, and at least 18 Killdeer scattered around Floyd Bennett Field.

At Coney Island there were no less than *3,200* Long-tailed Ducks well to
the SW of Coney Island Pier late this evening, mostly counted in one long
flight stream heading towards the mouth of Lower NY Bay. Several hundred
Northern Gannets persist in the Coney Island/Breezy Point area, where over
*2,000* have been seen recently. A flock of ~10 male Slate-colored Juncos
around the bare trees that make up Coney Island Creek Park's winter plumage
were undoubtedly fairly new northbound arrivals as well.

Good Birding
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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