This Friday morning & overnight brought a lot of additional migrants in;  some 
coastal areas may be quite interesting!  At Manhattan (N.Y. City), Central Park 
has gone from scattered Gray Catbirds on Thursday to everywhere-Catbirds, 
today, 4/28.

There were a minimum of 4 Solitary Sandpipers in the north end, and could well 
be more (compost puddle-pool, The Meer, & The Pool) and at least 2 other wader 
species were already being seen, Spotted as well as Least Sandpiper (latter is 
annual, but often less-noticed in Central Park).

Diversity appears very good again, with even Blackpoll Warbler already being 
found (that species is now about-annual in very small no’s. by the end of April 
here) this morning, & numerous other warblers including a few more 
first-of-year sp. (Magnolia, Chestnut-sided) as well a horde of Myrtlerumps.  
Also in fairly good no’s. again are sparrows, with a chance of an uncommon 
species in that tribe turning up.   A Yellow-throated Warbler was being seen at 
The Point, the southern peninsula of the Ramble, by the lake’s eastern arm 
(would be great to know which race this or any seen are, of that latter 

Already this morning, at least 5 vireo species, 4 wren species (Marsh is a bit 
uncommon in Central), 3 Catharus thrush species, Great Crested Flycatcher, & 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo… 

and these just in the first 3 hours of the day.  It may be well worth a noonday 
or later walk, or just a peek in any local patch, with all sorts of 
possibilities in almost any location on this sort of strong migration push of 
neotropical & other migrants…    There were some migrants in a few small 
greenspaces at first-light in Manhattan, and just now.

good luck, & ethical birding,

Tom Fiore

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