I have been photographing the developing cone crop on Balsam Fir and White
Pine trees - we will have a lot of food this coming winter!  There has been
some extreme weather - it hit Sabattis Circle Road very hard with lots of
trees down - so I was able to take close up photos of the cones on the top
of the downed trees.


May 5, 2017 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.)


The alpha male Wild Turkey came down to our house and gobbled outside our
back door to let me know he needed more cracked corn this afternoon!  I got
a telephone call as I was about to feed him, and a long time later I found
him in the same place still waiting for the corn!  It has been really cold
(with occasional snowflakes) and inclement here over the past week - I'm
still feeding birds for now.  Black Bears are also visiting, so the feeders
come in at night.  The huge male Black Bear showed up at 5 p.m. today.


May 4, 2017 Long Lake, Tupper Lake (Franklin Co.), and Bloomingdale areas
(Essex and Franklin Counties) (* for first-of-the-season birds)


Sandhill Crane - 1 in Tupper Lake (I can see where they are nesting this

Black-backed Woodpecker - 1 at Bloomingdale Bog

Gray Jay - 4 (2 along Route 30 and 2 at Sabattis Bog in Long Lake)

*Northern Waterthrush - singing along Moose Pond Lane in Bloomingdale

Palm Warbler - Bloomingdale Bog & Sabattis Bog

*Rose-breasted Grosbeak - male at our feeders in Long Lake


May 2, 2017 Long Lake


*Least Flycatcher - 1 singing outside our home

Gray Jay - 6 (2 along Route 30 and 4 at Sabattis Bog)

*Ovenbird - outside our home and along Sabattis Circle Road

*American Redstart - several along Sabattis Circle Road


Also, 2 different Black Bears at our home and a Porcupine crossing Route 30
in Long Lake.


May 1, 2017 Long Lake


Gray Jay - 4 (2 along Route 30 and 2 at Sabattis Bog)

*Black-and-white Warbler

*Nashville Warbler

*Yellow Warbler

*Black-throated Blue Warbler

*Black-throated Green Warbler


And one Black Bear outside our home!


Migration seems slow this year.


Joan Collins

President, NYS Ornithological Association

Editor, New York Birders

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell       

(518) 624-5528 home







NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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