It's that time of year again when we load up the sleigh (er, I mean boat)
to chase after Dovekies and other alcids in New York. This trip is your
best bet to find numbers of Dovekies and there are plenty of other target
birds. Here are the trip details:

Date:  Sat, Jan 20
Time:  5:30 AM - approx 7:30 PM
Cost:  $190
Boat: Brooklyn VI
Leaves:  2200 Emmons Ave, Brooklyn, NY

This is the prime time of year for Dovekie but you need to get far enough
offshore to reach the water temperatures they require for feeding.  Other
possible alcids include Atlantic Puffin, Common Murre, Razorbill, and sometimes
even Thick-billed Murre. This is, of course, the trip that found the only
Western Gull ever accepted east of the Mississippi. We've also had a
looooonnnnggg distance Great Skua on one trip (photo identifiable as a skua
when blown up like crazy) and even Black Guillemot. You never know what
we'll find. We chum along the way to attract Gannets, Fulmars, and gulls
including Black-legged Kittiwake, Lesser Black-backed, Iceland, and
sometimes Glaucous.  Fin and Humpbacked Whales are always possible, Common
Dolphins are regular, and we even sometimes see Atlantic White-sided
Dolphins or Harbor Porpoise.

Photography Advice:  If you're planning on bringing a long telephoto for
alcids and other more distant birds, be sure to also bring a shorter zoom
lens.  Gannets have a 6' wingspan and regularly come very close to the
boat.  I've often clipped off wingtips in my pics when using my 300mm
lens.  Of course there's always headshots!

If you want make a reservation or need more information, contact us at the
email or phone number below.  Hope to see you aboard!



*Paul A. GurisSee Life PaulagicsPO Box 161Green Lane, PA <>
<> <>


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